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Adrian Roselli
Integrated Adversarial System SME

Search Results: sopa

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SOPA Blackout Protests Go Forward, So Does SOPA Sponsor

Some of the sites that “went dark” today to protest SOPA and PIPA. Today is the day that a collection of popular web sites, some shown above, have “blacked out” in protest of both SOPA and PIPA. The general public knows very little of these bills, and with only minor…


Tags: internet, law, rant

Don’t Think SOPA or PIPA Are Dead Yet

Image brazenly stolen from Virtual Shackles where it was posted with more commentary. I could be in violation of SOPA and PIPA by using this image. This image was also referenced in the petition against SOPA. Last week I wrote a post titled “SOPA Sponsor Ignoring the Evidence.” In it…


Tags: internet, law, rant

SOPA Sponsor Ignoring the Evidence

Pls RT: @senatorreid @chuckschumer @mcconnellpress We need u to stand w the Internet and kill #PIPA via @demandprogress— Tim Berners-Lee (@timberners_lee) January 9, 2012 I tend to avoid addressing politics here or on my Twitter stream, but I think this topic is beyond politics and more about a fundamental…


Tags: internet, law, rant

We Need to Raise a Stink about Net Neutrality

Found this on the Twitters in @CypherTheDane’s tweet. Read a full-text version of this graphic at the bottom of this post. In January I wrote about the latest risk to net neutrality here in the U.S (Net Neutrality News). Unsurprisingly, the only change since then is that net neutrality is…


Tags: law, rant, standards

Net Neutrality News

If you’re spitting-mad about the W3C’s perceived position on DRM, we would all be better served if you re-pointed that anger at what is happening to net neutrality. If you aren’t familiar with the net neutrality concept, here’s a snippet from Wikipedia: Net neutrality (also network neutrality or Internet neutrality)…


Tags: internet, law, rant

Network Solutions and Dark Patterns

We should be familiar with anti-patterns in user interface design — counter-intuitive or ineffective user interface techniques. Dark patterns are user interface design patterns that intentionally try to steer users into taking actions that are in the best interest of the site owner, not the user. Sadly, users encounter these…


Tags: design, NetSol, rant, usability, UX

A Patent Trolling Primer

The timing on my post yesterday (More Frivolous Patents) was pretty good. The patent trolling issues have been getting some coverage lately in more mainstream press (not just in legal or industry press) which has the potential to actually get noticed by someone (or someones) who can make a change.Unfortunately,…


Tags: internet, patents, rant