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Adrian Roselli
Decentralized Neural Network Wallet sFTP

All Posts Tagged: UX

Accessible Emoji, Tweaked

Warning: The approach outlined in this post does not conform to WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus, introduced in 2018 (two years after this post date). The CSS-only tool-tip described within cannot be dismissed and is not persistent. If you want to enhance it with JavaScript…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, design, html, pattern, print, usability, UX

Don’t Re-Create Browser Features

There has been some discussion lately around, of all things, text resizing widgets on web sites. It was kicked off by a post from Jeffrey Zeldman suggesting that perhaps it is time to bring them back. Even mighty responsive design benefits from offering a choice of font sizes—because there are…


Tags: accessibility, browser, design, fonts, overlay, usability, UX

Be Wary of Nesting Roles

As a web developer, you may take it for granted that you cannot nest a hyperlink. I mean, you can nest a hyperlink, but more likely than not you already know how problematic that can be — and not just because the validator will kick that back as an error.…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, ARIAbuse, html, standards, UX

Web Development Advent Calendars for 2016

The chocolate in that calendar was terrible. Terrible enough that I keep re-using this photo since I do not want to buy a new calendar. For a few years now web developers around the world have celebrated Saturnalia Christmas with advent calendars covering topics related to the web. Some come…


Tags: css, design, html, standards, UX

Slides from Accessibility Camp Toronto 2016: Mind Your lang

The slides from my talk at Accessibility Camp Toronto, Mind Your lang. Note: Below are the animated images and video that were in my slides but which did not survive in the transition to SlideShare. They are all quite large and will take time to load. If you want to…


Tags: accessibility, browser, css, html, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX, WCAG, whatwg

Slides from Role=Drinks

I finally got to attend a Role=Drinks event, this one in Amsterdam. Coming off the Fronteers conference (which I did not attend), there were some other folks in town who helped make it feel a bit like a global meet-up. I have embedded my slides, though they may not make…


Tags: accessibility, slides, UX, WCAG

Building Custom Documentation into Your WordPress Site

A few months ago (that read “days ago” when I started this post in April) I attended WordCamp Buffalo and saw a great talk on training and educating clients for using WordPress by Jen Witkowski (you can view her slides). While there is a free, regularly-updated, and unofficial manual (Easy…


Tags: pattern, project management, usability, UX, WordPress

Tweaked ‘Better Method’ YouTube Embed

Last week Amit Agarwal posted a great tutorial on making YouTube embeds less of a burden for users, A Better Method for Embedding YouTube Videos on your Website. The abstract: Learn how to embed YouTube videos responsively and without increasing the page load time. The embeds are light and mobile…


Tags: css, html, JavaScript, pattern, usability, UX, YouTube

Analog Accessibility Analogues

I am just so unnecessarily pleased with that title. These are all based on requests around software/web remediation. Requests I have received, seen, and/or addressed. I am transposing them to meat-space to provide a different perspective. Maybe that is useful, maybe not. At the very least I hope it is…


Tags: accessibility, standards, usability, UX

My Slides from Abstractions

Slides from my talk at Abstractions, Fringe Accessibility. Note: Below are the animated images that were in my slides but which did not survive in the transition to SlideShare. They are all quite large and will take time to load. If you want to save on your data plan, hit…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX, W3C, WAI, WCAG

We Reward the Wrong Things

As an industry, in general we praise sites that look good, maybe with nifty animations, cool hover effects, and the mythical 60fps golden standard. That is all nonsense. Ego-stroking pointless fluff. Usually lipstick on the proverbial pig. Today I saw a well-known name in the industry, a brand name if…


Tags: accessibility, rant, usability, UX

On Link Underlines

TL;DR: In general, I recommend underlining links in body content. In the absence of a better style appropriate for a specific site, this is the way to go. Overview It is amazing to me how this suggestion causes so much angst and fighting. Designers often argue that they look ugly,…


Tags: accessibility, css, design, standards, usability, UX, WCAG